Modern Cash Register

Modern Cash Register iMin’s desktop POS, D4-505 Given the fact that cutting-edge POS frameworks are presently turning into a typical sight in near future for all the related industries especially in F&B, numerous retailers, cafés and food trucks actually demand...

Android POS Hardware [Updated for 2022]

About Android Operating System In the retail and restaurant industries, much has been said about the benefits afforded by the Android operating system (OS). These include: High degree of customisability. First, Android OS is the most customisable OS that is commonly...
o2o (offline 2 online) system

o2o (offline 2 online) system

o2o (offline 2 online) systemThe transformation is taking place. Online retail is expanding. Offline retail is contracting.It just methods we’re encountering a rebalancing of old requests.Similarly as certain blocks and-mortar retailers are battling, numerous...
How to digitalize your retail after covid19

How to digitalize your retail after covid19

How to digitalize your retail after covid19 During this pandemic period, a lot of SME’s trying very hard to cope with the changes in trend from offline to online. Some giant corporate such as Google itself even encourage their employee to work from home until the end...